Open reviewing process

Guidelines for participation in open reviewing process

Dear authors, you can use this forum for submitting a response. On the front page of the Moodle site there is a link to the thread which is devoted to the discussion about submitted papers or you can find it below. To submit your response just click the "Reply" button below any of already submitted messages. The system will show a warning message: "Sorry, guests are not allowed to post. Would you like to log in now with a full user account? - Yes/No". Just click on the "Yes" button and log in to the Moodle systemby using your user name and password. You can write a message by using the edit box. In addition, if you want to attach any additional files then use the "Browse" button to locate it on your own computer. Finally, click on the "Post to forum" button to send a response. It may sound tricky but it actually isn't. However, if you meet with any problems, please let us know.

DiscussionStarted byRepliesLast post
Deepening Connectivity: learning about ourselves through others as a way to experience integrity as an inquiry educator Picture of Kelly Hanson Kelly Hanson 4 Jocelyn Demirbag
Sun, 26 Jul 2015, 8:50 PM
Paving the way: creating space for the doctoral journey Picture of Jane Spiro Jane Spiro 13 Jane Spiro
Thu, 4 Jun 2015, 11:18 AM
Paper for special June EJOLT issue consideration Picture of Jocelyn Demirbag Jocelyn Demirbag 22 Jocelyn Demirbag
Wed, 6 May 2015, 7:08 AM
Encouraging the independence of students through the Picture of Danijela Ljubac Mec Danijela Ljubac Mec 20 Danijela Ljubac Mec
Fri, 1 May 2015, 9:58 AM
Who am I who teaches? Picture of Pip Bruce Ferguson Pip Bruce Ferguson 30 Pip Bruce Ferguson
Fri, 24 Apr 2015, 9:42 AM
‘Ethical Incidents’: How Have I Extended My Educational Influence Through the Introduction of a ‘Critical Incident’ Assignment in My Introductory Christian Ethics Course? Picture of Brian Jennings Brian Jennings 17 Stephen Bigger
Sun, 1 Feb 2015, 10:43 AM
My Gift of Authenticity as a Leader Picture of Sonia Hutchison Sonia Hutchison 2 Bernie tobin
Sat, 16 Mar 2013, 6:33 PM
‘How does my living value of inclusive cultural competence, contributes both to practice and knowledge creation with the marginalised’? Picture of Shelagh Hetreed Shelagh Hetreed 3 Jerry Allender
Sun, 20 Jan 2013, 8:21 PM
My Emergent African Great Story Picture of Ian Phillips Ian Phillips 4 Anke Jauch
Thu, 29 Nov 2012, 7:56 AM
Inclusional Action: Co-Creating Organizational Change Graham van Tuyl Graham van Tuyl 12 Graham van Tuyl
Thu, 28 Apr 2011, 3:43 PM
How do I sustain a loving, receptively responsive educational relationship with my pupils which will motivate them in their learning and encourage me in my teaching? Claire Formby Claire Formby 4 Philip Tattersall
Tue, 27 Apr 2010, 1:39 AM
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Margaret Farren Margaret Farren 0 Margaret Farren
Mon, 17 Aug 2009, 7:43 PM
Stimulating Creativity in Children with Developmental Difficulties Picture of Željka Rakitić Željka Rakitić 2 Je Kan Adler-Collins
Wed, 5 Aug 2009, 1:34 AM